The daily routine of any small business owner or entrepreneur is jammed packed to max with calls, answering emails, going out on appointments, or working with employees. Most entrepreneurs' days begin very early and end very late. They are similar to sales reps, except entrepreneurs and small business owners have all the responsibilities of running and operating a business to worry about in addition to making sales and closing deals. This is why entrepreneurs need to begin their days off on the right foot.
Some entrepreneurs spend the evening the night before creating to-do lists, organizing their email inbox as much as possible, and checking their calendars for meetings, appointments, calls, deadlines, and tasks that are scheduled for the day. The next morning, some entrepreneurs start the day off right with some form of exercise. We all know exercise gets the blood flowing, increases energy, and boosts the body's metabolism. Studies have shown that morning exercise is when it is the most effective as it gives entrepreneurs energy to tackle the day ahead.
Of course, not all entrepreneurs and small business owners have the option to get up early, because in most cases, the time you get up depends on when you go to bed...unless you are one of those people that can function on very little sleep. So what about restaurant owners? Most restaurant owners don't go to bed until 3AM, especially during the weekends which are typically peak business times with customers. However, morning routines are all relative. For example, if an entrepreneur goes to bed at 3AM, waking up at 10AM the next morning could be equivalent to another entrepreneur's 5AM.
As an entrepreneur I can tell you that setting and sticking to a morning routine is tough. Most of you know that in addition to running my business, I also work a full time job that involves commuting a total of 90 minutes, one way, each day. I'm up at 4:15AM most mornings to get in at least 30 to 40 minutes of exercise. While I exercise, I'm on my iPad going over my calendar and email, all while mentally planning and anticipating my day. I'm dressed and out the door with the morning's first cup of coffee by 6AM, to be on the train by 6:34AM. I have at least an hour-long train ride, so I use that hour to get work done. By the time I sit down in the office by 7:30AM - 7:45AM, I'm ready for my next cup of coffee, my breakfast, and to start my full time job.
My days end between 4PM and 5PM depending on the day and the season. Again, I use the hour train ride home to get work done. I'm typically home for the evening by 6PM and 7PM. I make myself a healthy dinner, play with the cats, and then it's back to my office (or my couch some nights) with my laptop for more of my business work. On slower or quieter evenings, sometimes I'll fit in an evening work out to unwind and relieve stress and tension from the day. I'm typically in bed by 9 - 9:30PM because I'm up so early the next morning.
In any given week, I work between 80 and 90 hours per week. And that's not a made up number or an estimate. The challenge sometimes is my family and friends. They often complain to me about my schedule. Why is my schedule so important? Why can't you come out with us? Why do you schedule things so tightly? My only reply is that it's the only way I can do both.
In any given week, I work between 80 and 90 hours per week. And that's not a made up number or an estimate. The challenge sometimes is my family and friends. They often complain to me about my schedule. Why is my schedule so important? Why can't you come out with us? Why do you schedule things so tightly? My only reply is that it's the only way I can do both.
I have personally found that once I started incorporating a rigorous morning routine that I not only became healthier, but I developed a more positive and happier outlook on the day. It allowed me to get in the right frame of mind to tackle the day. I don't tell my own story to boast, but rather explain the sacrifices that are necessary to run your own business. And if I can do it, you can. Of course, not everyone's life is the same. Some of you have families, children, taking care of sick loved ones, or even work a part time job in the evenings. Even if you take 30 minutes for yourself each day, you'd be surprised what you can accomplish and how different you will feel.
Many entrepreneurs have similar stories to tell about how they go about their days and how they start their days. It's a choice, really. How you choose to start your day or the attitude you carry with you during the day is a choice, most of the time. Sure, we all have bad days. Sure, things happen that we can't control. And, sure, some days just flat out suck no matter what you do. But at the end of the day, literally, tomorrow is a new one. So start it out right.
Many entrepreneurs have similar stories to tell about how they go about their days and how they start their days. It's a choice, really. How you choose to start your day or the attitude you carry with you during the day is a choice, most of the time. Sure, we all have bad days. Sure, things happen that we can't control. And, sure, some days just flat out suck no matter what you do. But at the end of the day, literally, tomorrow is a new one. So start it out right.
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