Thursday, February 9, 2012

Powerful Women

This is something our society is beginning to see more of: powerful women. And with good reason. More and more women are assuming professional managerial and leadership roles, becoming business owners and entrepreneurs, CEOs, and becoming really powerful, influential women. And I'm not talking in just the stereotypical industries (teaching, nursing, administration, etc.), I'm talking about scientific, medical, and technical fields as well. Things sure have come a long way!

So why after almost fifty years are women finally stepping up to the plate in business and really taking a "run for their money?" There could be a few reasons to this theory:

1.) The Economy.  Today you see less housewives staying home with the housework, running errands, and shuffling the kids to soccer practice. This could be because single income families just can't survive anymore. Most middle to upper middle class families require at least two incomes to survive. That's just the way things are now...MUCH different from the 50s.

2.) Better Lifestyle. No offense to those women who are still housewives, and the housewife way of life isn't quite dead yet, but many women have entered the work force for a better lifestyle. Over the years, as more and more women were forced to enter the work force, being a "housewife" became more of a luxury. But is it really?

3.) More Educated. It is possible that more and more women (or human beings as a whole) are more educated. In the last twenty or thirty years, more than half of the women in the country acquired at least a Bachelor's degree, with the majority in 2008-2009. While it is extremely difficult to find a job today, let alone jump start a career or start a business, the odds are still in favor of those with degrees.

So the moral of this story? Women are becoming more powerful.You don't have to be a feminist to appreciate that, or a woman for that matter. I'm not sure what we are in store for as this country slips deeper and deeper into corruption and debt, but I bet the solution begins with a women. That's a post for another time.

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