Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back and Forth on Birth Control

Right now there is a lot of "buzz" on the topic of birth control. It's been brought up by the Catholic church, Obama himself, birth control companies in their recalls, and, well...me.

I don't have to go on and on about how it is a woman's or a couple's right to choose whether or not to use contraceptives. If you are a woman, you most likely agree that it should be a woman's choice. In fact, 60% of men are even in favor of using birth control. All in all, it doesn't take a genius to recognize that Americans are in favor of birth control. My opinion? There is nothing wrong with planned parenthood. Especially today when jobs are still hard to find, the astronomical prices of gas and food, the housing market, and the state of our nation's public education. Private education is out of the question for most of today's families. All of these issues are enough for people to second guess having children today. And rightfully so.

So what does the Catholic Church think? Unrealistic, as usual. I would first like to mention that I was raised Catholic, baptized, confirmed, and I am now married. I even went to a Catholic college, so I feel well within my right to say this. Again, there's been a lot of talk about the Catholic church's position on birth control recently, particularly with Obama running for the 2012 election, right around the corner. Personally, I don't understand why they care so much. You don't really hear much from them on other issues such as job loss, or foreclosure, or the price in gas or food, which again, would make people think twice about having children. Of course not. I won't even get into the child molestation cases that the church covered up. But all that's okay, right? As long as they get their portion in their collection baskets on Sunday morning.

My grandmother, bless her heart, is an avid Church-goer. Every Sunday morning, she gets up, walks to Church, and walks home. Every Sunday...religiously (pardon the pun). She told me one time that the Bishop in our district has ordered that the parish raise $40,000 in collections for the year 2011. $40,000. Some people don't even make that in a year. Who the hell are you? People are struggling with what they have on their plates, or what they DON'T have. And you want them to give and give and give to the Catholic church AND have children? I'm sorry, but people just aren't in that mind frame. And why should they be? The "grace of God" can't save everyone. So Catholic church, If you aren't willing to take a cut, you definitely shouldn't be telling people where they should.

The biggest concern I have is why are we even debating birth control? It's a person's decision, just like where to go to school, where to live, and what to do with their life. Why can't planned parenthood be just as much that decision? Interestingly enough, if we are going to talk about government now, most of those who are in favor of Obama and electing him again are women. Could this be due to his recent position on birth control? Basically he is trying to make it more accessible to women, particularly those who work for religious employers who are refusing to pay for it as a medical benefit.

On the complete other side, is birth control all it's cracked up to be? Not necessarily. Of course it has its pros and cons, like everything else. But there is actually a lot of controversy out there on some recent birth control recalls. Some of these recalls include packaging and labeling errors, or even placing the pills in the packages in the wrong order. Embarrassing manufacturing mistakes that are causing some women some serious health concerns and even some unwanted pregnancies. There are some particularly large health concerns over some popular birth control brands such as Yaz and Yasmin. Birth control pills can cause blood clots, weight gain, high blood pressure, and even heart disease in women.

I remember a time when I was dead set against taking birth control pills. Particularly when I was in high school and college. However, it was that time that I probably needed it most. During my "time of the month", I would have to leave school or work because I felt so awful. I had severe, and I mean severe, abdominal cramps, cramps in my legs and back, headaches, and even nausea. Not to mention the irregularity. I dealt with this probably between ages 17 to 21. So many of my girl friends at the time told me that I should go on the pill. At the time, I wanted no part of it. All I knew was that it tricked your body into thinking it was pregnant, and that bothered me. I didn't want to trick my body with anything.

Finally, at age 21, my body and I had a falling out. I went about six months without getting a period. The pain I felt on a daily basis was so horrible. I had migraine after migraine and was constantly sick to my stomach, and even throwing up. Not to mention my skin looked terrible. I was constantly breaking out and I just felt terrible. After finally seeing both my dermatologist and my primary care, they both suggested that I go on birth control. In an effort to ease the pain and gain some regularity in my body once again, I begrudgingly accepted. I tried several different pills at first. It didn't take me long to get frustrated with trying to find a pill that my body liked. I was constantly experiencing break outs, severe mood swings, and weight gain and loss. It was terrible. Finally, I saw an ad in a magazine for Yaz. I brought it to my doctor and she wrote me a prescription.

After six years of taking Yaz, and its generic brand, Gianvi, it definitely helped me tame my mood swings, break outs, and have regular, comfortable periods. However, I've encountered some other problems. I've been fortunate enough to not have experienced blood clots or heart disease, however, my blood pressure has climbed to a dangerous level and I'm very unhappy with my weight. After spending the last five months dieting, exercising, and trying natural ways to bring down my blood pressure, nothing worked. After visiting my doctor this week, she pulled me off the pill. Now I'm experiencing a completely different emotion that was a complete 180 from when I was 17. I'm afraid to be off it! And I'm not talking solely about pregnancy, I'm more concerned about experiencing the pain! It's only been two days and I've already begun to feel some side effects from being off the pill. I've got headaches again, nausea, random mood swings and crying fits, and loss of appetite. From the articles I've researched, these side effects are only expected to last a few weeks, maybe even less, but I am already not excited.

All in all, due to the health concerns of birth control pills, it was probably best that I did. So I can comfortably and personally say that birth control pills, or any method for that matter, have both its pros and cons. The pros being preventing pregnancy, maintaining menstrual regularity, and helping with other cosmetic concerns, however, they can really do some damage at the same time. In conclusion, since the woman has to experience both the positive and negative effects of it, I think the government and the Catholic church should stay out of it. It is absolutely a couple's decision to practice planned parenthood if they choose to, but it is solely a woman's decision to use the contraceptive methods that she may feel are best for her.

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